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Bryony Pearce | Creative Copywriter

Press releases
It's time to break through the noise.

Are you trying to get your business’ name out there? Are you struggling to pick up the coverage you’d hoped for?
Did you just answer yes and yes? You’re not alone.
Journalists are inundated with 100s of press releases a day with businesses – like yours – battling for space in their coveted publication. Yes, the competition’s tough, but it’s absolutely achievable.
With a background in the journalism and PR industries, I can craft your press release to be a cut above the rest and increase your odds of hitting the headlines.
As with any email, your subject line has to hit the spot because what’s the point in a great press release if it’s not even read? If you can grab journalists’ attention and make them want to read your release then you’ve cleared the first hurdle.
After that, it’s all about making sure what you write is hitting, well-structured, easy to understand, relevant to the publication and adding value – easier said than done, I know.
Is your business is calling for extra coverage? Then I’m your girl.

Typos are one of journalists' biggest frustrations
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